
FridgeFriend is an app for managing food in the fridge that is optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) and is targeted at new homeowners who cook. If you can type fast, `FridgeFriend` can track your cold or frozen groceries faster and easier than any other apps. It is written in Java, and has more than 6000 lines of code.

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User Guide


FridgeFriend is an app for managing food in the fridge that is optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) and is targeted at new homeowners who cook. If you can type fast, FridgeFriend can track your cold or frozen groceries faster and easier than any other apps. It is written in Java, and has more than 6000 lines of code.


Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest version of FridgeFriend from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your FridgeFriend.
  4. Open your Command Line Terminal in the folder where the jar file is located, and run FridgeFriend with java -jar [CS2113-T10-1][FridgeFriend].jar.
  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. For example, typing list and pressing Enter will show a list of all current food. Some example commands you can try:
    • help: Displays a help message
    • list: Lists all food.
    • bye: Exits the app.
  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

:warning: Do NOT modify any of text files in the /data folder in order to prevent errors and loss of data.


:information_source: Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. For example, add FOOD_NAME should be executed as add chicken where FOOD_NAME is the parameter.

:information_source: Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters will be ignored. For example, help me will execute as help.

Get help message: help

Prints a list of available commands and formats.

Format: help

Example of usage:

>> help
These are the list of available commands:
        add foodName /cat categoryName /exp dd-mm-yyyy /loc storageLocation /qty foodQuantity
        list categoryName
        list storageLocation
        remove foodName /qty removeQuantity
        search searchString
        setlimit foodCategory /qty newLimit
        history clear

This is the list of food categories:

This is the list of storage locations:

Adding a food item: add

Adds a food item into the fridge.

If a particular FOOD_NAME is in the fridge, the other fields have to be same in order to add the quantity. Otherwise, a unique FOOD_NAME has to be used to add the food into the FridgeFriend.


:bulb: Tips:

:information_source: Additional info:

Example of usage:

>> add chicken /cat meat /exp 30-06-2021 /loc lower_shelf /qty 800
Great! I have added chicken into your fridge.
Details: Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 800

>> add chicken /cat meat /exp 07-10-2021 /loc freezer /qty 200
Sorry my friend, you have added this food before.
It is in a different category or location or have a different expiry date.
Please specify another foodname.

>> add chicken /cat meat /exp 30-06-2021 /loc lower_shelf /qty 200
Great! I have added chicken into your fridge.
Details: Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 1000

>> add pork /cat meat /exp 04-07-2021 /loc freezer /qty 500
Great! I have added pork into your fridge.
Details: Food name: pork, category: MEAT, expiry: 04-07-2021, stored in: FREEZER, quantity: 500

>> add chicken wings /cat ready_to_eat /exp 17-04-2021 /loc upper_shelf /qty 500
Great! I have added chicken wings into your fridge.
Details: Food name: chicken wings, category: READY_TO_EAT, expiry: 17-04-2021, stored in: 
UPPER_SHELF, quantity: 500

>> add lettuce /cat vegetable /exp 08-04-2021 /loc lower_shelf /qty 3
Great! I have added lettuce into your fridge.
Details: Food name: lettuce, category: VEGETABLE, expiry: 08-04-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 3

Display the list of all foods: list

Displays the full list of food items stored in the fridge.

Format: list

Example of usage:

>> list
Here are the items in your fridge:
        1. Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 1000
        2. Food name: pork, category: MEAT, expiry: 04-07-2021, stored in: FREEZER, quantity: 
        3. Food name: chicken wings, category: READY_TO_EAT, expiry: 17-04-2021, stored in: 
UPPER_SHELF, quantity: 500
        4. Food name: lettuce, category: VEGETABLE, expiry: 08-04-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 3

Display the list of foods by category: list <CATEGORY>

Displays the list of food items under specified category stored in the fridge.

Format: list CATEGORY_NAME

Example of usage:

>> list meat
These are the MEAT in your fridge:
        1. Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 1000
        2. Food name: pork, category: MEAT, expiry: 04-07-2021, stored in: FREEZER, quantity: 

>> list dairy
These are the DAIRY in your fridge:

Display the list of foods by storage location: list <LOCATION>

Displays the list of food items under specified category stored in the fridge.


Example of usage:

>> list freezer
These are the food stored in FREEZER:
        1. Food name: pork, category: MEAT, expiry: 04-07-2021, stored in: FREEZER, quantity: 

>> list drawers
These are the food stored in DRAWERS:

Remove a food item: remove

Removes a food item by quantity. Additionally, if a removal results in a food category falling below the specified limit (as per in setlimit), this command will also give a warning that the category is runninglow on food.


Example of usage:

>> list
Here are the items in your fridge:
        1. Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 1000
        2. Food name: pork, category: MEAT, expiry: 04-07-2021, stored in: FREEZER, quantity: 
        3. Food name: chicken wings, category: READY_TO_EAT, expiry: 17-04-2021, stored in: 
UPPER_SHELF, quantity: 500
        4. Food name: lettuce, category: VEGETABLE, expiry: 08-04-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 3

>> remove chicken /qty 200
Noted! I've removed 200 of the food chicken from your fridge.
New quantity: 800

>> remove pork /qty 700
Not enough in fridge to remove!

>> remove pork /qty 500
Noted! I've removed pork from your fridge.
Now you have 3 food in the fridge.

>> remove chicken /qty 500
Noted! I've removed 500 of the food chicken from your fridge.
New quantity: 300
WARNING! You are running low on MEAT
Total MEAT quantity: 300

Checks if a certain food item is inside the fridge. If the item is found, FridgeFriend will inform the user of the food items that matches the search query.

Format: search FOOD_NAME

Example of usage:

>> search chicken
These are the chicken in your fridge:
        1. Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 300
        2. Food name: chicken wings, category: READY_TO_EAT, expiry: 17-04-2021, stored in: 
UPPER_SHELF, quantity: 500

>> search oyster
You do not have oyster in your fridge.

List expiring foods: expiring

Displays a list of food items that are expiring within a week. An additional message will be displayed, if there are food items that have already expired.

Format: expiring

Example of usage:

>> expiring
These are the food expiring in the next week:
1. Food name: chicken wings, category: READY_TO_EAT, expiry: 17-04-2021, stored in: UPPER_SHELF, 
    quantity: 500

These are the food that has already expired, please consider removing them:
1. Food name: lettuce, category: VEGETABLE, expiry: 08-04-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 3

>> remove lettuce /qty 3
Noted! I've removed lettuce from your fridge.
Now you have 2 food in the fridge.
WARNING! You are running low on VEGETABLE
Total VEGETABLE quantity: 0

>> expiring
These are the food expiring in the following week:
1. Food name: chicken wings, category: READY_TO_EAT, expiry: 17-04-2021, stored in: UPPER_SHELF, 
quantity: 500

List categories with food running low: runninglow

Displays a list of food categories which total quantity is below a specified minimum limit This command also displays the existing quantities along with its limits for each category.

:bulb: These limits can be modified with the setlimit command.

:information_source: If the user tries to run the runninglow command with all the food categories limit set to 0, FridgeFriend would prompt the user to set at least one of the food category to be more than 0.

Format: runninglow

Example of usage:

>> runninglow
You are running low on food in these categories:
1. VEGETABLE quantity: 0 out of 500
2. FRUIT quantity: 0 out of 500
3. SEAFOOD quantity: 0 out of 500
4. EGG quantity: 0 out of 500
5. DAIRY quantity: 0 out of 500
6. BEVERAGE quantity: 0 out of 500
7. COOKED_DISH quantity: 0 out of 500
8. FROZEN quantity: 0 out of 500
9. OTHER quantity: 0 out of 500

Modify the minimum quantity limits: setlimit

Changes the minimum quantity limit for a specific food category. To remove a limit for a category, set its limit to 0.

Format: setlimit FOOD_CATEGORY /qty QUANTITY

Example of usage:

>> runninglow
You are running low on food in these categories:
1. VEGETABLE quantity: 0 out of 500
2. FRUIT quantity: 0 out of 500
3. SEAFOOD quantity: 0 out of 500
4. EGG quantity: 0 out of 500
5. DAIRY quantity: 0 out of 500
6. BEVERAGE quantity: 0 out of 500
7. COOKED_DISH quantity: 0 out of 500
8. FROZEN quantity: 0 out of 500
9. OTHER quantity: 0 out of 500

>> setlimit ready_to_eat /qty 600 
Okie dokie! The new minimum quantity for category 'READY_TO_EAT' is 600

>> setlimit vegetable /qty 0
Okie dokie! The new minimum quantity for category 'VEGETABLE' is 0

>> runninglow
You are running low on food in these categories:
1. FRUIT quantity: 0 out of 500
2. SEAFOOD quantity: 0 out of 500
3. EGG quantity: 0 out of 500
4. DAIRY quantity: 0 out of 500
5. BEVERAGE quantity: 0 out of 500
6. COOKED_DISH quantity: 0 out of 500
7. READY_TO_EAT quantity: 500 out of 600
8. FROZEN quantity: 0 out of 500
9. OTHER quantity: 0 out of 500

List history of items added: history

Displays a history of food items that have been added to FridgeFriend. FridgeFriend keeps track of all food items added in automatically. Unlike using the add command, the history command records each addition separately. Thus, the user can use this command to keep track of all occurrences where food has been added to FridgeFriend.

:information_source: The data is saved to disk in a text file, with default location as data/historyData.txt.

:warning: Do NOT modify the data file as this might lead to corruption and loss of the data.

:warning: In the event that the data in the text file is corrupted or in an unreadable format, the history command may fail to output the contents of the file. Users may have to manually inspect the file to delete the invalid content, or wipe the contents of the file with the history clear command, to resume normal function. The execution of the FridgeFriend program, however, will not be interrupted.

Format: history

Example of usage:

>> history
This is the full history of items you've added in the fridge:
        1. Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 800
        2. Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF,
quantity: 1000
        3. Food name: pork, category: MEAT, expiry: 04-07-2021, stored in: FREEZER, quantity: 
        4. Food name: chicken wings, category: READY_TO_EAT, expiry: 09-04-2021, stored in: 
UPPER_SHELF, quantity: 500
        5. Food name: lettuce, category: VEGETABLE, expiry: 08-04-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 3

Clear list history of items added: history clear

Wipes the data from the history text file.

:warning: This command will permanently erase the entire history log and this action cannot be reversed.

Format: history clear

Example of usage:

>> history clear
History successfully cleared!

>> history 
This is the full history of items you've added in the fridge:

Empty fridge: clear

Removes all food items in the fridge.

:warning: This command will permanently empty the fridge and this action cannot be reversed.

Format clear

Example of usage:

>> list
Here are the items in your fridge:
        1. Food name: chicken, category: MEAT, expiry: 30-06-2021, stored in: LOWER_SHELF, 
quantity: 300
        2. Food name: chicken wings, category: READY_TO_EAT, expiry: 09-04-2021, stored in: 
UPPER_SHELF, quantity: 500

>> clear
Fridge has been cleared!

>> list
Here are the items in your fridge:

Exit the application: bye

Exits the application.

Format: bye

Example of usage:

>> bye
Bye! Hope to see you again soon!


Index Question Answer
1 How do I transfer my data to another computer? Copy the .jar file along with data folder to the target computer and place them together into an empty folder. As long as the target computer satisfies the application prerequisites, it can execute with the saved data as before.
2 What if I forget the correct format of a command? You will get a tip if you use any of the command keywords incorrectly. Plus, you are always welcome to use help command.
3 How do I report a bug in the appplication? You can create a new issue here on the project repository. Do state the type of bugs as well as give a clear description of the bug supported with appropriate screenshots.

Command Summary